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  • Registrant : City of Columbus
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/11/16
  • Published : 2023/11/16
  • Changed :2023/11/16
  • Total View : 282 persons
2024/2/2 - 2024/4/28 / Columbus / Movie

Sarah Maldoror: Tricontinental Cinema

See the first museum exhibition dedicated to Sarah Maldoror (1929–2020), a trailblazing French filmmaker hailed as the “mother of African cinema.” A survey of Maldoror’s multifaceted career, the exhibition includes film projections and archival documentation that highlight her involvement with anti-colonial and anti-racist movements across Africa, the Caribbean, and metropolitan France. The exhibition also features works by modern and contemporary artists.

See the first museum exhibition dedicated to Sarah Maldoror (1929–2020), a trailblazing French filmmaker hailed as the “mother of African cinema.” A survey of Maldoror’s multifaceted career, the exhibition includes film projections and archival documentation that highlight her involvement with anti-colonial and anti-racist movements across Africa, the Caribbean, and metropolitan France. The exhibition also features works by modern and contemporary artists.

Address Columbus
Date 2024/2/2 - 2024/4/28
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Vivinavi - Events

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