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  • Registrant : Cincinnati
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/22
  • Published : 2023/09/22
  • Changed :2023/09/22
  • Total View : 587 persons
2024/4/27 - 2024/6/2 / Cincinnati / Other


An all-American love story about two very new Americans. It’s 1975. Saigon has fallen. He’s lost his wife, she’s lost her fiancé and home as they’ve known it will never be the same.

An all-American love story about two very new Americans. It’s 1975. Saigon has fallen. He’s lost his wife, she’s lost her fiancé and home as they’ve known it will never be the same. But this isn’t a story about war: It’s a story about falling in love. Based on playwright Qui Nguyen’s family, Vietgone tells the partially true and endlessly entertaining tale of how his parents, Quang and Tong, met in a refugee relocation camp in Arkansas during the Vietnam War. They navigate their very new lives as very new Americans amidst family pressure, the challenges of migration and a culture full of motorcycles, cowboys, fast food and dreams. With irreverent humor, hip-hop and heightened theatrical storytelling, this original story reinvents the romantic comedy genre and captures your heart.

Address Cincinnati
Date 2024/4/27 - 2024/6/2
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Vivinavi - Events

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